
Registration Form


Thank you for joining us!

Please note that all sales are final and non refundable.

Your place is confirmed once you have agreed to the following and accepted below.


1. You understand that you are responsible for your own personal safety, property, health, mental, physical, emotional, and general well-being during and after the event.

2. You release Natasha Sikand Yoga and the event/class teachers, organizers, their representatives, employees, assistants, and affiliates, of any liability for any injuries or damages (mental or physical) to you or any of your family members that might incur during or after the event/class.

3. You understand that the event/class is in no way psychotherapeutic or medical in nature. The event is not involved with the treatment of disease of any kind and does in not substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment.

4. You do not hold Natasha Sikand Yoga and the event organizers responsible for anything that might happen to you or your possessions during this event/class.

5. You understand that no health insurance, travel insurance, medical evacuation insurance is provided by the event/class organizers. If you wish to be insured you have to do this yourself.

  1.   You understand that photographs may be taken during the program by approved teachers and assistants. You give your permission to use these photos for program promotion in print and online formats. However, you may ask to approve of specific photos containing your image before being shown publicly.

7. You give Natasha Sikand Yoga and/or the event teacher permission to add yourself to their mailing lists. If you do not wish to be on their mailing lists please click this link to contact me.

8.  You have read and understand the cancellation policy, below.

9.  You acknowledge that participation in Yoga & movement exercise could constitute a risk of serious injury to yourself.  You accept and assume the risk and warrant that you are physically fit and able to perform the Yoga and movement exercises without risking serious injury.

10.  You acknowledge that Natasha Sikand Yoga and its representatives are not responsible nor liable  for any injury, illness, or other mishap you sustain arising from or out of, or in any way directly or indirectly associated with the Yoga, Pranayama, and movement exercises.

11.  You understand and acknowledge that you are able to receive instruction in Yoga, Pranayama, and movement exercises and theory only.  Natasha Sikand Yoga and its representatives are not liable for, nor expected to provide advice, training, or medical assistance.  You indemnify Natasha Sikand Yoga and its representatives from and against all suits, cases of action, proceedings, claims, costs and expenses whatsoever in connection with or arising out of such injury, illness or mishap to yourself.

12.  By participating in Natasha Sikand Yoga classes, courses or events, during which you will receive information about Yoga, meditation and health, you recognize that Yoga requires physical exertion that may be strenuous and may cause physical injury and you are fully aware of the risks involved. You agree to check with your doctor or therapist if you have any difficulties or concerns about taking part in the class. You agree to advise the teacher of any medical conditions you may have and if those conditions change at any time.

13.  You agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known and unknown, which you might incur as a result of participating in the program. You voluntarily and expressly waive any claim you may have against Natasha Sikand Yoga and its representatives for injury or damages that you may sustain as a result of participating in the program.

14.  You take full responsibility for your experience and interpretation of any information presented in classes, workshops, and retreats.   You do not hold Natasha Sikand Yoga and its representatives liable for your interpretation, experience, and opinion of information presented to yourself.



1. Under rare circumstances, including natural disasters in the area our program is hosted on rainy conditions for the outdoor Yoga sessions, or for other unforeseen reasons, Natasha Sikand Yoga reserves the right to cancel a program at any time, in which case you will receive either a credit to a future class or a refund (minus any bookings fees) if you cannot attend another class.

2.  All class payments are final. No refunds will be given.  If you cancel class at least 24 hrs prior to the start then you will receive a class credit (to be used within 4 weeks of the original class).  If you cancel class under 24hrs prior you will not receive a class credit.  A no show/no cancel will not receive a class credit.  

3. There will be no refunds for any workshops or retreats  unless your spot can be resold in which case you will be charged the booking and a cancellation fee.  Any cancellations made under 4 weeks prior to the event will not be refunded.

4. There will be no refunds if you do not show up, if you leave a class/event early for any reason, or if you attended a class/event and are dissatisfied with its presentation and content.



Registration form

Please tick your consent to the terms and conditions given above

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