About Natasha
About Natasha
Having lived in ten different countries, Natasha is a global citizen and finds herself at “home” in many places. A nomad and free spirit at heart, she has been living in Apollo Bay since 2009 (the longest she’s ever lived in one place!) and is blessed to call this beautiful part of the world “home.” She feels comfortable and in her element anywhere from the Swiss Alps, the shores of Apollo Bay, the tropics, a bustling city, to the plains of Spain. She has been called a “connector” as she loves to bring people together. This is one of the many things that she loves about Yoga: its potential to bring people together and to shed light on the unifying fabric of reality and our wholeness and connection to one another and our environment.

She started her journey with Yoga and Meditation in 1999 as a university student in New York City with Iyengar teacher Jill Forger and Anusara Yoga teachers Rama Patella, Jackie Prete, and Yasushi Tanaka. Her father’s Indian heritage (her mother is from Switzerland) sparked what would become a lifelong curiosity to explore Yoga and Meditation. She started a two year teacher training in Anusara Yoga with Jayendra Hanley in 2004 and has been teaching around the world (Europe, Asia, and Australia) since 2005. She is an E-RCYT 500 (Experienced Level) Yoga Alliance Teacher, a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Practitioner (YACEP), and a Registered Childrens Yoga Teacher (RCYT), and also a Certified Anusara Yoga teacher.
Natasha is continuously evolving her practice and teaching style, and exploring new avenues and ways of approaching Yoga, movement, meditaiton, breathe, and embodiment. Her offerings and practice draw from many years of study with inspiring teachers as well as life experiences. Her classes, workshops, and retreats provide a platform for a soulful, personalized, and transformative exploration of embodiment, movement, and life.

She has spent many hours studying and training with esteemed Yoga Teachers Tara Judelle, Marc Holzman, Ross Rayburn, BJ Galvan, Desiree Rumbaugh, Jayendra Hanley, John Friend, Ellen Saltonstall, Martin Kirk, Leslie Kaminoff, Sianna Sherman, Mark Whitwell, Godfrey Devereux, Shiva Rea, Rod Stryker and many more. She is an avid student of Body Mind Centering and has been studying with Kim Sargent Wishart in Melbourne and had the opportunity to study with the founder of BMC, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen on her first visit to Australia. She regularly studies Yoga Philosophy and Meditation with Sally Kempton, Christopher Wallis, and Carlos Pomeda. She is passionate about meditation and continues to attend silent meditation retreats for the deeply healing and nurturing experience that they offer. She has also completed many hours of training and study in Yoga Anatomy and Therapeutics, pranayama, bandhas, and mantra (Nada Yoga).
Natasha is passionate about sharing her love for life and exploring the body-mind. She is a lover of the ancient science of Ayurveda and following a plant based diet. All of these influences deeply inform her practice and teaching. Ayurveda has given her the tools to live in harmony with her true self and continuously refine the art of living and engaging in the world. She also believes that a plant based diet is not only a healthy approach to eating and living, but also a sustainable and less harmful for our planet. It is ahimsa (non-violence/harming) in action.

Yoga, movement, and meditation are healing and have helped her profoundly. They have helped her out of and through depression many years ago. Yoga has shown her that there is always light where there is darkness and that life is a continuous play of Consciousness, or expansion and contraction, the divine pulse of Spanda. It has given her the tools to navigate through life in an authentic, present, and holistic manner. She has spent countless hours on the yoga mat, meditation cushion, in life, in nature, dancing, and in the kitchen exploring different ways to live a life in harmony with her essence and the beautiful world that we are blessed to call home.
